Airbnb photography

The best short term rental photography in the Indianapolis area

Airbnb’s with excellent photography perform better.

I see a lot of short term rental photos of what might be really interesting spaces, but who knows? The photos lack information and feeling. At worst they make me feel a little dirty, look outdated, or they’re confusing.

Short term rentals are chosen based on price, location, and what they look like. You’re here because you know this.

Photos are one of your very best marketing tools. Guests always look at the photos. Wow them with the beauty and unique design of your home, then answer their questions with the photos.

I’ve worked with some clients who felt they were getting plenty of bookings. They didn’t realize that they could increase their price with professional photos. If you’re looking for the best ROI on your short term rental, professional photography is at the top of the list.

Let’s get your house, apartment, studio, or room beautifully photographed to showcase all the effort you’ve put into your space.

Let’s hop on a call for a free consultation. Once I know what you have, I can make recommendations and explain the different options. If you already know exactly what you need, excellent. I’ve shot well over 100 units around Indianapolis and I work with some of the largest short term rental management companies.

At the very least, I’d be happy to answer a few questions for you.

More Details

  • My prices are competitive and you get excellent customer service.

  • If you’re not happy with your photos, I’ll do my best to get there.

  • Photos are returned in 7 days or less.

  • Expedited editing service is available.

  • For a small fee we can upload and caption your airbnb photos.

Let’s make your short term rental stand out.



Does Airbnb provide free professional photography?

No. Airbnb does not provide free photography. It’s true that they used to offer it for free. There were so many listings with poor photos that it made the platform look and feel cheap compared to competitors. Airbnb’s free pro photography program worked and got thousands of better (not great) quality photos.

How much does Airbnb charge for professional photography?

Airbnb uses an algorithm to determine the cost of their pro photography services. They provide an estimate within your listing. You must agree to their services before knowing the final prices. Airbnb contracts local photographers in your area and pays them a portion of your fee. These contract photographers are not paid well, they shoot fast, haphazardly, & often return mediocre photos that you still have to wait 3-4 weeks before they post to your account.

Should I get DRONE photography?

Do you have a beautiful yard with outdoor living spaces for your guests? Do you have a pool or hot tub? Is your property in a pretty neighborhood? Do you live close to fun activities and commercial districts, or other attractions? If yes to any of these, then I recommend drone photography. Most listings do not have drone photos. Your listing will stand out with beautiful aerial images to showcase why your listing is better than the rest.

Can I use my iphone to take my airbnb photos?

Yes, of course you can. But should you? Maybe. Use your smart phone if the following are true: the listing has fantastic natural light, you are an amateur photographer and know how to frame a scene, you have a decent photo editing software and know how to use it, and you know what will attract the guests attention. If any of those are not true, you are probably leaving money on the table and will attract less attention to your ad.

What’s the difference between real estate photos and Airbnb / Short Term Rental photos?

Airbnb (short term rental) photos are your number 1 tool for marketing. Read that again. Most renters are choosing your listing based on the photos. Those photos are good for (hopefully) several years to continually market your listing to guests. They are essential to your business marketing plan. Airbnb’s are fully furnished with great interior design, art, features, and amenities. Shooting an airbnb involves deciding what’s going to WOW & get the guests attention, what will answer their questions, and highlight the unique features of the space. I consult with the owner or manager to decide the photo design strategy. The photos sell your listing to the guest. Just like beautiful food photography on instagram can draw you into a new restaurant.

Real estate photos are (hopefully) used once, for a short and finite time period to sell a house. They are often empty houses, but sometimes minimally staged. Real estate photos are meant to show how large, open, and bright a space can be. They often use super wide angle lenses that distort the scene to “trick” the eye into believing the space is bigger than it is. They aim to stimulate the imagination of the home buyer. Angles are usually standard/uniform based on what sells a house in that market. Real estate agents often choose the cheapest photographer/company and decide what gets photographed and how the final look should be. They usually want more extreme wide angle shots.

How fast do you edit and return photos?

I will edit and return your photos in 7 days or less. Rush editing is an option when available. Price depends on how fast you need them back, weekends, holidays, etc.

Will the weather affect the photoshoot?

Yes and no. It’s rare to need to reschedule a shoot, but it could happen in extreme weather or heavy rain. Sky replacement for exterior photos is an option in most scenarios.

Should I wait for a sunny day to get my airbnb photographed?

No. Schedule as soon as you’re ready. Weather is always changing.

What if I decide to cancel last minute?

I’ve blocked my schedule and turned down other jobs for your photography shoot. If you need to cancel, I require 48 hr notice. If less than 48 hr notice, I will keep part of the deposit.

My property is having work done, should I schedule my photo shoot in advance?

No. Construction, finishing work, and staging are unpredictable. Usually they take longer than estimated. Please wait to schedule until you know exactly when the unit will be ready. Please reach out to ask questions and tentatively schedule at any time.

It’s winter time, can I get replacement photos in spring or summer?

Yes, definitely! Let me know if that’s something you want and you’ll get a better price by pre-paying. You can also contact me anytime to come back to update the exterior photos.

I updated parts of the interior, can I get updated photos for just those parts of the property?

Yes, absolutely. Let’s talk and I can prepare a custom proposal for whatever fits your needs.