So, you need a new website? …

And you’re a mental health, mind body, or coaching professional

I really enjoy making websites. I only use Squarespace.

I made the one you’re on right now. I was a professional photographer & SEO analyst AND a yoga & special education teacher long before I got into making websites. That’s a good thing. This makes me unique. I’ll explain below.

I specialize in creating sites for mental health, mind body, and coaching professionals. I’m also an ADHD Coach. Like many people these days, I wear a few different career hats.

My master’s degree in special education and 14 years experience has allowed me to work with all kinds of mental health professionals. It’s also allowed me the opportunity to learn. I’m a huge advocate for mental health and have a deep personal interest.

I’m also a yoga & meditation teacher in Indianapolis. I’ve worked with psychologists, psychiatrists, LCSW’s, MSW’s, therapists, physical & occupational therapists, athletic trainers, coaches, massage therapists, chiropractors, yoga instructors, and more. I’m in a unique position to have the right tech skills and a deep understanding of the industry.

I used to work with clients from any industry and I burned out. I didn’t have any interest in their industries. I want to help people get connected to a healthier life. This brings me a lot of joy. I can help people get connected to you and your team’s services.


My 25 years of photography experience and training has given me an eye for design. I know what looks good and I know how to make it look better. I know how to use stock photos that don’t look “stocky”. I prefer to use my own whenever possible. (All photos on this site are my own).

I know how to keep high quality photo resolution without bogging down your site. Did you know that the size of your photos can drastically slow down your site? One of google’s primary algorithms is page loading speed.

If your site loads slower than your competitors, you’ve just given them an advantage.


Many web designers claim that they will also do your SEO. Unfortunately, I’ve had many SEO clients come to me and say that their web guy already did SEO, but they don’t seem to be ranking well.

Once I get under the hood, I can see they barely did anything. SEO is complicated, it’s always changing, and there are many many aspects. Anyone who tells you SEO is a one and done operation should not be trusted.

Most web designers have no training and no experience with SEO. That’s ok. As long as you hire an SEO after your site is built.

I truly am a one stop shop. I was an SEO analyst for a medium sized SEO & Digital / Email Marketing Agency for 5 years before adding Squarespace web design to my portfolio.

You can learn more about my SEO and Digital Marketing by hopping over to that page.

Are you the right client for my services?

If you’re a small, medium, or new business, I’m the right guy.

If you’re a large organization or have a large volume of pages on your site, you’ll probably be better off with a larger design firm.

If you’re still with me, let’s hop on a call and see if I can help you.